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"It Feels Like Home to Me..."

As I am writing this, it is 5:30am and we (my mom and I) are sitting in the El Dorado airport praying that we are able to get on our flight home. We are flying standby which is always a nail-biter. In mid-July, I will be moving to Bogotá to teach music at a Christian school here. So, I brought my mom down to show her around Bogotá, to meet my friends here, and to check out the school. (Side note: the school is amazing and I can't wait!!) I am happy to report that my mother seems to love Bogotá as much as I do.

To be honest, I was a bit nervous to come back to Bogotá. I have a tendency to make things grander, in my memory, than they actually were. I was afraid that Bogotá was not going to be everything I remembered it to be. I was afraid that I was going to regret the decision to move and that I had made a life-altering mistake. After being here the past 5 days, I'm not sure I have ever been more certain about anything in my life. Bogotá is just as I remember it, if not more wonderful. My excitement has been amplified by 1000%! What I love most about Bogotá are the people. They are so warm and wonderful and a blessing in my life.

I was talking to a friend of mine the other day and I was confusing her because I was referring to Atlanta, where I live, as home and I was also referring to Waco, Tx., where my parents live, as home. And they are, both cities, home to me. They are home because I feel safe, comfortable, at peace and loved in those places. I have a feeling that it won't be too long before I start referring to Bogotá as home as well. Atlanta and Waco are places that are hard to leave and this morning, as I sit here waiting to board the plane home (to Atlanta), I am finding it hard to leave Bogotá. But, Lord willing, this time only four short months stand between me and my new home.

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