Every Ending is a New Beginning (I know it's cliche, but whatever)
Where to begin? It has been a long while since my last post, but that is because not much has happened since my last trip to Bogotá in February. However, in the past few weeks, a lot has happened all at once. I have moved out of my home in Atlanta where I was living with the BEST roommates anyone could ask for. I have spent a week and a half in Chicago visiting friends and attending TeachBeyond training. And now, I am in Texas with family until I leave (July 19th is the big day by the way!!).
As my departure gets closer, I am feeling more saddened than I had anticipated. I think, perhaps, because I didn't realize that some things here would have to come to an end. Somewhere in the excitement of going I forgot that I would be leaving people and places that I truly love. That has been a difficult reality to deal with. The Lord has been so gracious to me this past year in filling me up with deep rooted community, precious memories and with His word; I now truly understand when the Psalmist says "my cup runneth over." I believe God is going to continue to strengthen me and teach me and stretch me while I am in Colombia, but now it is going to look different and feel different and it is hard to say goodbye to the familiar. But change can be a blessing and now I have the opportunity to give back all that I have taken in. Soon I will get to pour out all the love and grace God has shown me, I will get to share all of the faith that He has grown in me, I will get to demonstrate all of the peace, patience, kindness, goodness, etc. that He has developed in me to the precious little ones awaiting a music teacher in Bogotá.
To add another cliche, every good thing must come to an end, but there are more good things to come in my next segment of life.
I was able to get a small glimpse of the good things awaiting me this past week at orientation. I met some wonderful people from all over the world and my trust in the Lord is deepening as I look to Him to guide me through this transition. And, in the midst of the sad farewells, the Lord gave me hope and assurance that I don't walk through this alone. Thank you Lord for holding my hand through this process. Thank you Lord for new friends to walk through life with. And thank you for the sadness I feel because that means I am leaving something worth missing.
New Friends!
TeachBeyond Colombia Team: Bogotá here we come!!!