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Happy New Year!!! It has been a crazy couple of months and I have neglected to keep all of you up to date. I will do my best to give you the highlights without writing a book and I will post some pictures at the end.

1. December 7th was our elementary Christmas program and it was unbelievably adorable but also incredibly stressful. However, it was an opportunity for the Lord to show me that He is my strength, sustainer and my peace and I am grateful for that. If you are looking for a reminder of God's goodness in stressful and difficult situations, listen to God I Look to You by Bethel.

2. I was able to go to the States for two weeks over Christmas break. I saw my family and a lot of my friends. It was a great comfort to be back in a more familiar space but I was also very aware that, for the time being, the U.S. is not my home right now. It was not a sad realization but actually reassurance that I am doing well and will continue to do well in Bogotá. I have incredible roommates, a loving community and the warm weather right now also helps. I was happy to come back which is an answer to many prayers, so praise God!

3. This past week has been a great time to rest, refocus and think about what I want to work towards and accomplish this year. God has shown me many areas in my life that need work but I know that He is faithful in providing opportunities for growth and that I'm not on my own.

4. I am very excited about this semester and some changes I am going to be making in the classroom and in worship. I am looking forward to the Lord working in and through me.

So, now you are all caught up. If you feel inclined to go before the Lord on my behalf, here are some specific areas that you can be praying about:

* My middle school classes are my most difficult. It is a hard age for me to manage. Please pray for grace, patience and wisdom in moving forward with them.

*My Spanish is processing and I am understanding and speaking more. Please pray that I continue to learn and grasp the language in order to develop deeper relationships with those in my church.

*One of my words for the year is self-control. Please pray that the Lord would continue to develop this fruit of the Spirit in my life. That I would be discipline in my prayer, devotional and work life.

*Finally, pray for grace to pour out on those around me. I have discovered that unfortunately, I do not show other people very much grace. Pray that the Lord would remind me of the tremendous amount of grace that He has poured out in my life and enable me to show that same grace to those around me.

Thank you for reading and thank you for praying. Now, enjoy the pictures!

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